Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle

Lend Us Your Ears: Podcasting With Matt Gardner

I frequently get asked for my ‘Top Tips’ when it comes to simple changes people can make to their diets & routines to improve their health. Now in these cases I always try to come back with some easy bits & pieces but in all honesty depending on the person in from of me that select handful could be any number of things.

That’s not to say there aren’t fundamentals we can all work on, but as we are all wonderfully unique going into more detail can set me off on a train of thought & those ‘Top Tips’ have turned into a 25 minute conversation….

Anyway with the mention of my rambling mind firmly to one side for now, today I am really happy to share this wonderful session I recently recorded with Matt Gardener for his Big Feed Up HQ podcast.

Matt is a performance nutritionist & personal trainer, & we both completed the same post graduate qualifications but we obviously work in slightly different fields. He asked me to come on & share my passion for women’s health in particular but as we both anticipated there was no way we weren’t going to dive into a ream of other fascinating topics.

Please do have a listen, & of course do feel free to be in touch if our chatting flags up any additional queries or questions.

The Big Feed Up HQ Podcast · Female Health and Making Every Mouthful Matter With Phoebe Liebling

With healthy wishes,

Phoebe x