Fitness & Healthy Lifestyle

Is Fasting the Key to Long Term Health?

Is Fasting the Key to Long Term Health?

Fasting, a concept as old as time itself, has made a roaring comeback in the health and wellness scene, promising benefits ranging from metabolic flexibility to anti-ageing wonders. But before you jump on the fasting bandwagon, let's delve into the why, the how, and the crucial considerations to help you decide if fasting is the key to unlocking long-term health.

Why Fast?

Fasting isn't just a trend; it's a strategy to boost metabolic flexibility. The body's ability to seamlessly switch between using glucose (sugar) and ketones (fat) for fuel. By extending the period of using stored energy, fasting not only trims body fat but also activates vital healing mechanisms. Enter autophagy, the cellular waste removal process. Ineffective autophagy can lead to cell mutations and disease, while fasting triggers autophagy, taming inflammation, and reducing overall disease risk.

Why fast?

Types of Fast

There are two main categories of fasting: continuous time restriction and cyclical/period-extended fasting. Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding limit eating hours to less than fasting hours, making them accessible for daily life integration. One meal per day is also an option. On the other end of the spectrum, alternate-day fasting and water fasting involve longer fasting periods and are often recommended for more complex health concerns, requiring careful monitoring.

Types of fast


While fasting may seem like a universal solution on paper, practical implementation requires consideration. Women, for instance, need to be mindful of supporting a fasting strategy to avoid disruptions to their menstrual cycle. Those with low body fat or irregular periods might find fasting unsuitable. High stress levels, poor sleep, and intense physical activity can also pose challenges to fasting, despite its purported benefits in these areas.

Considerations when fasting

Deciding whether fasting is right for you involves a delicate balance between understanding the science, your individual circumstances, and lifestyle. Fasting is a tool available to everyone, but its appropriateness varies. As our understanding of fasting deepens, accessibility may improve. For now, it's crucial to approach fasting with a sense of mindfulness and a keen awareness of your body's unique needs.

Remember, it's not just about trends; it's about fostering a sustainable and personalised approach to health and well-being.

Phoebe x