Beans, lentils and pulses are often recommended to eat in abundance however, for many they cause gas, bloating and discomfort. This is because human lacks the digestive enzymes to break down the protective compounds these foods have in their husks. So to overcome this we want to trick these things into thinking they're about to grow into a new plant, this makes them lose that armour, increase nutrients and we get better-tasting hummus as a result.
Option one; use dried beans, soak them in double their volume of cold water with 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 1 heaped teaspoon salt for at least 8-10 hours. Drain, rinse and if possible, cook in a pressure cooker in fresh salted water or just on the stove until tender.
Option two; use cooked beans, remove them from their tin/jar, rinse them really well then soak in the same vinegar and salt solution for 6-8 hours. Drain and rinse. Then all ya gotta do is follow the recipe below.
Add beans, tahini, sauerkraut and garlic to a food processor. Blend until you have a well combined paste.
Add the ice cubes & blend again until the dip becomes paler & fluffier. Taste and add seasoning and lemon to your preference.
Can be thinned with a little water if you wish.
Eat within 5 days or freeze for up to 3 months.